An Amazon affiliate website needs a lot of traffic and monthly visitors to earn a steady income. This can be tough to achieve without extra work to market your site.
Traffic can also be wasted without optimized content. This means that improving conversion rates will let you make more money from the visitors you already get.
Ultimately, the more people that visit your site each day, the more you can make. This in-depth guide will teach you 9 strategies that are perfect for Amazon associates program members. These same tactics and strategies work for most other affiliate programs too.
- Amazon Affiliate Niche Sites & Social Networking
- Affiliate Marketing Article Writing
- Using Twitter for Website Traffic
- Improve Affiliate Conversion Rates
- Amazon Affiliate Cookie Lifespan Trick
- Foreign Language Affiliate Sites
- How to Build an Email Newsletter
- Email Marketing for Niche Affiliate Sites
- How to Increase Conversion Rates on Social Media
Amazon Affiliate Niche Sites & Social Networking
I’ve spent many years experimenting with a variety of Amazon affiliate marketing strategies. I personally prefer to build individual niche websites to refer sales with free, targeted search engine traffic.
While this strategy works perfect by itself, it can always be enhanced. One of the best things that you can do to complement a niche Amazon affiliate website is to connect with social media networks.
I have been making money online from affiliate programs since before social media networks even existed. For this reason, I had some adapting to do when they became popular.
You don’t need social networking to make a website successful, but it does help to drive more traffic to almost any kind of site.
There are quite a few different social media marketing strategies that can be used to accomplish this goal. The way these strategies are approached can vary quite a bit depending on the website and its niche though.
It is extremely important to consider your niche before diving into a social media campaign.
It is easy to get blinded by the pursuit of more website traffic. You need to ensure your efforts will be worthwhile and result in traffic.
To avoid this problem, consider what your website has to offer to new visitors.
Why would someone want to visit your site?
If there is not a good reason to visit your site, then you will have to constantly force new traffic to it because it will be hard to attract repeat visitors.
Once you know what your site can offer others, target that specific idea with your social media marketing campaigns.
Again, the actual strategy can widely vary based on the affiliate niche, but knowing how to properly attack it is half the battle.
Just to give you a brief glimpse into a few strategies, I have listed three different networks that can be used by affiliate marketers.
For some niches, it may be best to only use one of these sites or methods, but other niches may be able to take advantage of all networks.
Look around on each network to find content relating to your site topics. Anywhere you see a lot of traffic and engagement on your topics is worthwhile to target yourself.
Amazon Affiliate Facebook Groups
The obvious king of social networking is Facebook. With the huge member count and large variety of ways to use the site and interact with the members, there is a massive potential for affiliate marketers here. The biggest problem with Facebook is the complex nature. While anyone can create a Facebook fan page, it takes professional programmers to develop some of the best Facebook features. The most effective marketing tool on FB for affiliates is groups. You can create your own group or join other groups. Your own group gives you control over what you can post, while you’ll have to follow group rules if you join an existing group.
Amazon Affiliate on Twitter
Simple to use and great for targeting very specific niches. Possibly the biggest problem is the need for constant updating with new information. This can be good for some niches but unwanted for others. Don’t post affiliate links on Twitter. Set up ads on your own website and direct tweets there instead. I’ll be talking about using Twitter in more detail later in this tutorial guide.
Amazon Affiliate for YouTube
A true affiliate niche marketing goldmine, although major success truly takes a lot of hard work. Create a channel for a specific niche website, and then produce your own videos. Some people stay away because of the video creation aspect. However, there are some simple ways of making videos with web cams, cell phones or screen capturing software. The real key with YouTube is the make videos that target a specific product but are actually useful (or entertaining). Do not directly include your affiliate link on YouTube. Instead, set up your own website and have a page there promoting your product. Then direct YouTube traffic to your website.
Affiliate Marketing Article Writing
If you build websites as a beginner affiliate marketer in 2022, you need to write articles to produce content.
Content has three main purposes:
- Attract Targeted Website Traffic
- Build Audience Loyalty
- Generate Revenue
Unfortunately, many people really do not like to write articles. As a result, thousands of different techniques have been created to attempt to produce useful and unique content without actually writing it.
While this sounds like a great idea, the technology simply isn’t available to accomplish this task in reality. No matter how good a piece of software may be, it will never be able to perform better than a real person.
If you have been avoiding real article writing, it is time for a change.
I can personally guarantee you that this one single factor will make a huge difference in your success. I have been building websites for over 27 years. I have built almost every kind of site you can imagine, and unique content that is useful to site visitors is the one consistent factor that all of my successful sites have had.
I used to hate writing. I truly did. I tried to avoid it as much as possible in my early days working online. If you could find my English teachers from High School, they would never guess that I do writing for a living. As I managed to push through writing content for a new site, that one site began to explode with traffic, and most of it originated from search engines (Google wasn’t even around back then).
With the reign of Google as the king of search engines, website builders simply have to put a focus on unique content to have a successful website. Even if you manage to “crack” the system, Google will find a way to patch the hole eventually. This means that there is no reliable longevity when it comes to using automated article content.
The one downside to writing article content is having the ability to actually write articles in a proper manner. Above anything else, proper spelling and grammar must be used. Traffic can still be obtained with poor spelling and grammar articles, but that traffic is likely to immediately bounce off the site once they begin to read the landing page.
If English is not your native language and you cannot write it fluently, research possibilities to build websites in your own language.
I do not speak or write other languages, with the exception of a very minor amount of French, so I have never built a site in another language. Despite this, I still believe these sites have the potential to be extremely popular, but it will be important to be sure traffic from your target countries can be monetized on a website.
When you consider that most sites are made in English, the competition levels on foreign language sites should be much lower in comparison. Even if earnings are less, they may be easier to obtain with non-English sites.
If you feel confident with the English language, you can write good articles. If you’re not already good at it, some practice and patience should get you there.
The more you write, the better you will get at it.
There are really tons of different writing styles, so there are no right or wrong styles to use for article writing. However, I do have a few guidelines that I can give you to get you started with writing better articles.
Article Writing Research
When I write about affiliate marketing or making money online in general, I write from my personal experiences. All of this knowledge is coming straight from my head and not from another website. However, I also build a lot of other kinds of websites. I have built sites about products that I didn’t even know existed a few hours earlier. It helps a lot with time to already know the topic that I want to write about. In all situations, I either know the topic already or I don’t. If I don’t, then research is required. Simply pretend like you are interested in the product/niche and research it online. Read through product listings, reviews, and other types of online articles about the products or topics relating to the products. Once you have “learned” a topic, you can then write “about” it with ease.
Article Writing Planning
Before you start to write, you should already know what you are going to write about. This helps to prevent you from writing sentences that simply don’t work well with their surrounding sentences.
Article Writing SEO
While you don’t need to obsess over search engine optimization while writing your articles, it is something that needs to remain in the back of your mind. In general, you will want to select a specific keyword phrase that will be the primary focus of the entire article. It’s a good idea to have that phrase in your article title and in the first/last paragraphs of the page. However, you really want to avoid direct use of that phrase elsewhere in the article with just a few exceptions (depending on the article length). Instead, use words that relate to that phrase in your article. This helps you write “about” the keyword phrase, instead of just writing the keyword phrase. Practicing these skills can go a long way to help your sites get better search engine rankings.
Article Topic Organization
Information is only as good as it is presented, but I am not talking about being flashy. I am talking about organizing the information that you write for each article. Even though the article itself has a topic, there are generally a number of sub-topics that can be identified in each article. Label these sub-topics to help readers that may just be skimming for information. This can really help a lot to increase link click-through rates with marketing articles or even advertising within articles on your affiliate sites.
Using Twitter for Website Traffic
For those of you who are interested in bringing more traffic to your niche affiliate websites through social media marketing, Twitter is an easy place to get started.
Just like the creation of your niche site, you will want to target your Twitter accounts to very specific niches. This means that you will need to create multiple accounts if you want to try this out with multiple websites.
The first thing that you want to do is to put some thought into the creation of your account. The actual name of your account can target a specific keyword relating to your niche. This simple one trick can multiply the exposure you’ll receive.
You’ll want to craft a profile just for your niche and your affiliate site.
You can take advantage of the opportunity to give your site a backlink from your profile (it won’t really count as a true backlink though). It is also important to use some relational keywords within your Twitter profile.
When someone searches for new people to follow on Twitter, their results are going to be influenced by the phrases that you have in your account name and also in parts of your profile (like the main description). Properly targeting your niche with descriptive keywords in your profile can make a major difference.
The next step is to start following people. This helps to get things moving with your Twitter account.
The real key is to stick to following people that have accounts relating to the same or a similar niche and limit your follows. This can include other businesses or even individuals that just express an interest in your niche.
By following a decent number of relational Twitter accounts after you create your account, you’ll almost immediately start to gain some of your own followers. Many people will follow the accounts that follow them, so the more accounts you follow, the more easy exposure you can get this way.
Twitter does have limits on the number of accounts you can follow each day, but you can make this a daily effort and see very nice results within a few months. You want a steady accumulation of relevant people to follow, not a quick gain.
The next step is to start Tweeting, which is their terminology for posting a short message that your followers can see.
It is important to try to offer something useful or helpful in some manner through your Tweets.
It will be hard to do well if you are only sending out advertisements in your Tweets, so try to mix things up a bit.
In addition to posting links to your own site to accompany various topics or product promotions, it can also be beneficial to Tweet about other subjects relating to the niche. This can even include linking out to some other relational websites besides your own.
You can seek out your own sources of information to talk about or websites to link to from your Tweets, but you can also arrange content as a marketing promotion for others. Once you can gain a decent number of your own followers, try contacting other people with relational websites that also have Twitter accounts.
Offer them some type of exchange promotion with Tweets. This type of arrangement will typically benefit both parties involved, making it an appealing offer to respond to. Private messages targeted to their Twitter account is often the best way to go since a notification of this message is usually delivered to their email address too.
Once you have established yourself with a particular niche on Twitter, you can use it to drive traffic to pages on your site to boost your sales.
It is especially useful when you can find various promotions in your niche, since you can advertise these promotions on your site and then drive traffic to them with your Twitter account.
This isn’t a strategy that is going to start making you more money as an affiliate overnight, but some dedication to this strategy over a period of time can certainly help to improve your existing efforts.
Be sure to take a look at this related article on this blog: The #1 Strategy to Gain New Twitter Followers
Improve Affiliate Conversion Rates
Marketers commonly believe that a large amount of website traffic is needed to earn a reliable income with affiliate marketing. Typically, site visitors may be converted into sales at a rate of 1-3%, so affiliates try to obtain hundreds or even thousands of site visitors every single day to encourage regular sales.
Although using traffic in a brute force manner as an affiliate can certainly work to refer sales, doing so blindly can be a big waste of time, effort, and money. There are a number of things that affiliates can do to increase conversion rates on their websites, which helps to maximize the amount of money that can be earned, on average, from each new site visitor.
The single most important thing that marketers can do to boost conversion rates on any type of product or service is to ensure that only interested site visitors are shown advertisements for those offers. This can be accomplished by controlling the type of traffic that a site receives by targeting particular search engine keyword phrases.
Website Demographics
For sites that already receive traffic, it may be difficult to change the demographics of the site visitors.
In this type of situation, affiliates should examine the various ads that they promote to ensure that they are a relevant choice based on the interests of site traffic. Generally, visitor demographics can be determined simply based on the content of the site and how they came to visit the site.
When a variety of subject interests exist on a site, it is important for the site owner to distinguish the areas of their site that are dedicated to a particular interest. Entire areas or even specific pages on the site can promote different types of affiliate ads to cater to those subjects. When targeted traffic is shown relevant affiliate advertisements, it will boost overall ad click through rates and especially conversion rates.
Some marketers do not put a lot of thought into the placement of their affiliate ads on their websites, but ignoring this can have dire effects on click through rates, conversion rates, and especially overall earnings. It is fairly common knowledge that people notice ads found at the top of the page and also on the left-hand side of the page more than any other areas.
Following this common placement rule blindly can also have negative effects on affiliate earnings.
The real trick is to determine why people are visiting a particular site or a specific page on that site. Figure out the primary focus point on a page and stick an ad above, next to, or below it. As an example, a site showing videos on a topic will know that people will spend most of their time viewing that portion of the page.
When an affiliate can identify the reason why someone visits their site, they can use this powerful information to effectively place their ads in a position that will get the most visibility and exposure. It can take some trial and error to figure out what works best since every site can be unique in this aspect, but taking the time to address this problem can lead to higher earnings from stagnant traffic levels.
A final tip for increasing conversion rates does not involve doing anything special, although it is a bit out of the ordinary for most websites to practice this strategy. Instead of just promoting affiliate products, try to get involved with site visitors.
Encouraging interaction with site visitors can go a long way to help them feel special and take notice of the site.
This can lead to reader loyalty for affiliates, which can have a major impact on how much money is made each month. Interaction with readers can come in a variety of forms.
Allowing comments to be posted on each page of a site is one way this can be accomplished, which is commonly used by blogs. Even encouraging visitors to contact the affiliate personally for extra help can make a big difference. Most affiliates do not have or even want interaction with the people that buy things through their links, so offering this type of service for free can really help someone stand out from the crowd.
Amazon Affiliate Cookie Lifespan Trick
I’m going to talk about an Amazon conversion boosting strategy today that I haven’t even talked about, in-depth, in my own affiliate marketing course! Why not? This strategy isn’t something that is easy to try without software to do the hard work for you, so it’s not going to be something that everyone will be interested in doing.
Did you know that when you send one of your website visitors to Amazon through an affiliate link, you will only receive credit for a referred sale from that person if they complete a purchase within 24 hours?
Typically, if someone is interested in purchasing a particular product, there is a decent chance that they will complete the purchase quickly, but have you ever wondered how many people you refer end up buying the product a few days or even a few weeks later?
Inexpensive products are a lot easier to promote within this 24 hour timeframe. However, when something costs $100, $500, or even $1,000 or more, the odds significantly increase that people are going to take more than 24 hours to make a final purchasing decision.
Depending on what type and what value of products you promote, you may actually be missing out on a lot of sales that you should technically probably receive credit for but didn’t because it wasn’t within that 24 hour time limit.
Now comes the trick, which consists of three simple words: Amazon Shopping Cart
When you can refer someone to Amazon that puts a product in their shopping cart, you’ll actually receive credit for that purchase for up to 90 days! That’s right. This simple action boosts your affiliate referral lifespan from 1 to 90 days.
90 days is typically enough time for anybody to decide on a fairly major purchase, so achieving this as an Amazon affiliate can really help to boost conversion rates and overall monthly income.
Now that I know you understand the whole situation and how big it can be, I’m going to talk to you about two specific ways that you can actually increase the chances that the people you refer to Amazon will at least put a product in their shopping cart.
#1 – Take a look through some of the bestseller categories on Amazon. Electronics is one good place to start. There are a decent number of products available on Amazon, many of which are bestselling products in particular categories, that will not give you a product price initially. These particular products actually require someone to add the product to their cart to be able to see the price!
By promoting these products and not revealing the price to your own site visitors, those who may be interested in the products will have to add them to their Amazon shopping cart just to tell the price. In many cases, people will leave these items in their cart while they decide whether they want to buy them. With normal products, they’re much less likely to add it to their cart unless they intend to buy right away.
#2 – While the first strategy can be extremely limited when it comes to product selection that hides the price in that manner, the second strategy I have for you is much more flexible with potential product selection. Amazon’s API system has shopping cart functionality. It can allow you to have your own on-site shopping cart that keeps your site visitors on your site until they are prepared to purchase or at least see the final total before they decide.
This alone may or may not sound fascinating to some of you, but the important part that should interest you is the fact that this on-site shopping cart will then be merged with the actual Amazon shopping cart. Once this takes place, it automatically gives you 90 days on that purchase because it’s in the Amazon shopping cart. By promoting Amazon affiliate products this way, you would only be referring people to Amazon that are tagged with a 90 day affiliate cookie lifespan. With basically all other methods, this just simply doesn’t happen.
Now comes the hard part, which is actually putting all of this into action on your Amazon affiliate site to boost your own conversion rates. Carrying out strategy #1 can work by simply promoting normal affiliate links for those products, but you will still only get a portion of your referred traffic to actually add the product to their shopping cart and your product selection is going to be extremely limited.
To accomplish strategy #2, you will need to be able to do some complicated programming, or you can buy affordable software that will do it all for you and just let you choose the products to promote.
Even though it is certainly possible to use these strategies to increase your Amazon conversion rates without the use of software, the amount of time and effort that it will take to do it manually is generally much more valuable than the actual price of software that does the hard work for you.
Foreign Language Affiliate Sites
I thought it would be good to talk about foreign language Amazon affiliate sites. These sites can be used to target low competition niches that have a lot of revenue potential. More advanced affiliates can even target multiple countries on the same website to maximize their earnings from each website visitor.
When people talk about website or search engine traffic, what is generally the first thing that comes to mind? Location.
When you research a potential product niche, you are probably looking for a niche that is loaded with traffic from the USA and you may even outright avoid traffic from any other location.
There is actually a huge amount of untapped potential in markets outside of the USA as a result of this kind of mentality. Yes, even I am guilty of it, since 90% of my affiliate sites are loaded with USA traffic.
Even though I like USA traffic, I truly don’t avoid other types of traffic. If I am working on a niche that has Canadian or European traffic, I simply work with that fact and target my advertising accordingly (this is where using an advertising tool like my WordPress plugin comes in handy).
I am really only speaking about making English based Amazon affiliate sites, but the same thing holds true for foreign language markets.
There are Amazon sites that are completely dedicated to these languages: French, German, Japanese, Chinese & Italian.
This means that there is an equal opportunity for affiliates that can write these languages, minus one major factor: competition.
Since most marketers are targeting English based markets, there is a lot of great niche opportunities still available in the foreign language markets.
The best way that you can see this for yourself is to do some searching with Google’s keyword tool in another language besides English. Take the same niche keyword research strategies that I have taught you and apply them to another language.
Not only will you find less competition in Google with foreign languages, but you will also find it easier to get new domain names that are exact phrase matches for popular keyword phrases. This means that you can target markets that have more traffic than the English based markets that are still open today.
Obviously, not everyone is going to be able to make sites in another language, but it is certainly something you should consider if you have the ability to do so. Personally, I don’t speak any other languages besides English, but I would definitely target foreign markets if I did.
Another option is to outsource translation, but this can get expensive with a lot of content unless you have someone that will do it for you at a reasonable price.
How to Build an Email Newsletter
When you think about marketing with email newsletters, do you immediately think about Internet Marketing newsletters, or do you consider it to be a viable option to boost affiliate sales in almost any kind of niche market?
If you think email newsletter marketing is only for the internet marketing niche, I highly encourage you to reconsider your point of view to help you make your own websites more profitable.
Although marketing with email newsletters can be a time consuming task, the rewards can often be well worth it.
When you’re running a website outside of the internet marketing niche, you really don’t have to worry about putting together complex newsletters on a daily basis. There are some exceptions to this rule, but most newsletters work quite well with weekly or even monthly mailings to subscribers.
No matter what kind of website you run, you can boost your sales across the board by utilizing the power of email marketing.
At the very least, newsletters help people keep in touch with you and your website. With so many different websites on the internet these days, it’s very easy to get lost in the numbers even by people that are interested in what you offer.
There are two pieces of advice that I want to offer you before you actually start using email marketing, which will save you a ton of time, money and even subscribers.
#1 – Only collect email addresses legally, with double opt-in confirmation. No matter what kind of instant benefits you can manage from doing this the wrong way, it will always catch up with you in the end. When you want to build a business that will thrive for years to come, do things the right way no matter how much longer it takes to become successful.
#2 – Even though there are free ways to run an email newsletter that appear to work, especially when your list is still small, do not make this mistake when you start your own newsletter. Use a professional platform like AWeber. It’s an amazing platform to use. You will eventually want to move your free newsletter to a company like AWeber, and that is when you will regret not doing this from day #1 because all of your subscribers will have to reconfirm their email addresses to move your newsletter! As you can imagine, you’ll end up losing subscribers when you do this. I speak from personal experience here, so take my advice and do things the right way from the beginning. The minor costs far outweigh the benefits.
It is highly recommend you take a look at a guide I have put together that teaches my own emailmarketing tips and strategies. After building newsletters since 2009, I know what it takes to get and retain new subscribers in today’s competitive markets.
Email Marketing for Niche Affiliate Sites
I use email marketing to sell my own products, but did you know that you can also use it to sell your Amazon affiliate products?
I personally use this technique, although I use it very sparingly because I run so many Amazon affiliate sites.
How do I choose a couple of my affiliate sites to use with newsletters?
The most important thing that I look for is a niche that may receive multiple purchases from a single customer. Some products are purchased by a consumer and then not purchased again for many years.
Other types of products are purchased on a regular basis by a single consumer. These types of products are the goldmine products for a newsletter.
If you run a fairly small site in one of these niches that has a nice Google ranking, you can actually build up a decent reader base each month. After a number of months or even a couple of years, you can easily refer a lot of affiliate sales with a single email.
How often should I email my newsletter list?
I generally send out one or two emails a month to these newsletters.
Each email contains some kind of useful tip or other free information. I also promote a few relevant pages on the site or new pages on the site. These pages are on my own site and have an affiliate ad on them or lead to a page with an affiliate ad.
The key is to make the newsletters useful to the readers. If you simply bombard them with ads and offer nothing in return, you will have a hard time retaining subscribers. You’ll find a large majority of subscribers will stay with you long-term with quality content. They’ll even give you a reliable way to generate affiliate sales.
I’m going to continue talking with you about email marketing in this guide. However, there is one last thing that I should cover in case you decide to jump right in and get started now.
From the very first day of your newsletter, you need to do it the right way or else you will run into problems. Unfortunately, I speak from experience when it comes to these problems. I’m referring to trying to move your newsletter list from a free/cheap option to the proper option.
AWeber for Email Newsletters
The proper option is AWeber.
The basic price of AWeber is only $19 per month to run all of your newsletters. The prices do go up once you top 500 subscribers, but you will be making plenty of money by the time you hit 500 subscribers.
Most people think you can only run a successful newsletter selling your own products. It is actually a great method to use for affiliate sites as well.
I like to run newsletters on some of my more popular Amazon affiliate websites and it gives the sites a very nice income boost each month.
When you run a niche affiliate site, you should be able to attract a few hundred people to your site each day. By itself, you can make many sales each month with that traffic. Newsletters allow you to multiply those earnings though.
If you can get a few of those people to join a newsletter each day, you can easily build a targeted subscriber list quickly. You will then be in a position to promote affiliate offers to your newsletter on a regular basis. This can easily multiply your site traffic and sales.
How to get newsletter subscribers?
The real trick is to actually get people to join your newsletter.
Every niche is going to be different in this aspect, so you will have to do some brainstorming to come up with an appealing offer for your niche.
In general, you’re probably going to offer something free to attract subscribers. This could be a free ebook or even a free email course that teaches something specific relating to the niche.
When I can find the right materials for it, I really like running affiliate coupon newsletters. This is a great way to attract subscribers and also gives you a way to turn your readers into affiliate sales.
The bottom line is that you have to focus on quality to succeed long-term with a newsletter, especially in an affiliate niche market.
Here is a standard link for AWeber, because I truly believe in the worth of this service:
Here is my affiliate link for AWeber – I will earn a commission if you sign up through this link:
Aweber Affiliate
Want to learn even more about email marketing and how to get subscribers to your list? Take a look at our in-depth training course (free): marketing with email newsletters
How to Increase Conversion Rates on Social Media
With the rise of popularity of social media networking sites, affiliate marketers have realized that these sites can be an enormous source of free traffic.
This traffic can be directed to other websites or through affiliate links to refer sales for commissions.
Since there are so many people using social media sites, almost any kind of affiliate can find a large group of people who will be interested in their offers.
No matter what social network an affiliate decides to use for their affiliate promotions, it is extremely important for them to have a specific niche focus.
This means that affiliates should create social networking accounts that concentrate on a specific topic or category.
This niche focus allows for more exposure because people will be more likely to find the affiliate on the social media site this way. It actually works a lot like a search engine. There can be a lot of competition for general category topics. There will likely only be a handful of choices at most for a large majority of specific niches.
If an affiliate marketer wants to promote products in a variety of niches, it is best to create multiple accounts.
Each account will then be targeted to a specific niche. This allows marketers to have a focused group of people that they can use to promote highly relational offers that might actually interest them.
Twitter marketing for affiliate websites
Twitter is one of the easiest social networking sites to use for affiliate marketing.
In general, it is much easier to get started with Twitter than other social media sites. This is largely because people on Twitter will follow more people than Facebook users because Twitter is all about following others.
By creating a Twitter account with a focused niche topic, it is fairly easy to attract new followers. One of the easiest ways to get started is to search for other Twitter members that are likely interested in the topic. When these members are found, the marketer should follow their Twitter accounts. Surprisingly, a decent percentage of those people will then follow the affiliate marketer.
New members can be found by searching their account descriptions, but they can also be found by searching through tweets that people have made. By searching tweets, it is easy to find a lot of people that are interested in a specific niche. Likewise, Twitter members can also find the marketer based on their tweets, so it can be helpful to make a few posts with information relating to the niche.
After using these strategies to gain Twitter followers, it is fairly easy to attract dozens of new followers every single day.
Once a decent follower base is established, the affiliate marketer can talk about products in the niche and direct followers to affiliate links for those products. In general, a more indirect approach to promoting the products often works the best. One good way to do this is to have a review site for those products, so followers can be directed to that site instead of directly through affiliate links.
Facebook marketing with Amazon affiliate sites
Being one of the most popular websites in the entire world, Facebook presents an amazing opportunity for affiliate marketers to earn commissions. The downside to Facebook is that it is a lot more complicated for marketers to get started than it is on Twitter.
Facebook is more complicated because of the wide variety of features that are available on this social media network. It can also be more difficult to attract people on Facebook, since there is more to Facebook than just sending and receiving messages. However, the rewards can be much greater on this network than any of the others because of the large number of people that use it on a daily basis.
Similar to Twitter, Facebook marketers can also search out new friends using their account information.
Find people on Facebook that are likely to be interested in the niche, and then request to be friends with them. However, having a lot of friends interested in a certain type of product is just one of the ways affiliate marketers can use Facebook.
Fan pages and Facebook groups are two of the best ways for affiliate marketers to make money on this social media network. Creating a new fan page or group for a specific niche market can have huge rewards, although the real trick is to get enough people to participate.
In general, this means offering more than just affiliate advertising promotions, but if a marketer is willing to put forth some extra time to give others useful information, answer questions, and help them out with problems then they will find that it can help a lot to increase activity in a Facebook group.