Get Paid for Critical Thinking Skills, Solving Problems & Naming Businesses

Do you think you’re intelligent and able to solve problems that involve critical thinking and creativity? You can actually make money online with these skills by helping out businesses.

One of the most common jobs that is needed for this type of work is naming a business. Brand names can make or break the success of a new company, but creating a unique and appealing name isn’t easy. Instead of relying on a choice by the founder, they’ll outsource this type of work to community of people to get many possible brand names. This allows them to choose a favorite, which gives them a much better chance of success.

This article is going to discuss three different websites that you can use to find work for these companies.

Make Money From Contests

The biggest downside about this type of work is that it isn’t a straightforward job. In fact, it’s possible to do this type of work and never earn a single penny. This work is conducted using contests where workers compete with each other.

Someone that is not very good at naming companies or problem solving should avoid this side hustle. However, if you believe you have a very clever and creative mind, it’s possible to excel in this industry. If you’re able to win just one or two contests each month, this has the potential to be a full-time income.

One big positive is that more than one person will usually get paid from each contest, so it’s not hundreds or thousands of people competing for a single prize. The person that wins will make more than everyone else, but at least others get to make something for their efforts. In some cases, up to 50% of the people that participate in a contest can walk away with a cash prize.

Think you’re creative with business name ideas? There are actually a couple of sites that allow businesses to host contests to help them name their company!

SquadHelp and NameStation are the most popular of these naming contest services. You can join them for free and participate in contests to try to name companies.

It’s quite possible to do this type of side hustle and never make any money. Companies have to actually select you as a winner or possibly a runner up to get some kind of cash reward. If you’re extremely good with coming up with clever names, you could potentially do very well with this type of side hustle. However, it won’t be for everyone.

Overall, you probably won’t want to focus all of your time with something like this over other side hustle options, but it could be a fun activity to do on occasion during your spare time that offers the potential to make some good money if your name is selected as the winner.

Problem Solving & Critical Thinking Skills

Problem solvers and critical thinkers can make some extra money by submitting their ideas to companies on MindSumo.

This is actually a contest site where companies post problems they want to solve or possibly get new ideas. A prize pool amount is assigned to each project by the company. The encouraging aspect of this contest format is that the winner is often not the only person to receive a cash reward for participating.

Many of the contests offer something to the top 25% and sometimes even the top 50% of participants, which makes it a lot more likely that you’ll earn something for your efforts even if you aren’t picked as the winner. Winners of these contests will earn a larger piece of the prize pool, so if you do end up winning one you’ll get a nice payday.

Anyone can sign up for a problem solver account on this site. However, some of the projects require you to have a college degree or be currently enrolled in school. Some of the requirements can be even more specific and require that you’ve recently graduated. This can ultimately be a fun way for anyone to spend some spare time and develop their problem solving skills while also earning a bit of cash.

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